By Petzi FZC

How to Prepare for a Five-Point Health Check for Dogs

5-Point Dog Health Check: What to Know Beforehand
5-Point Dog Health Check dull or matted coat tartar buildup
As dog owners, we cherish our four-legged companions and want nothing but the best for them. Just like we schedule regular health check-ups for ourselves, our furry friends deserve the same care. A five-point health check is a simple yet effective way to monitor your dog’s well-being. Let’s dive into the details and learn how to keep your canine companion healthy and happy.

Weight Check: Is Your Pup in Tip-Top Shape?

Regularly weighing your dog is essential to monitor their overall health. However, focusing solely on weight isn’t always sufficient. Instead, consider using our specially designed S.H.A.P.E GUIDE to assess your pet’s body condition. Here’s how:
  • S: Sight: Look at your dog from the side. Can you see their waistline? Ideally, there should be a slight tuck behind the ribcage.

  • H: Hips: Place your hands on your dog’s hips. You should be able to feel the bones without pressing too hard.

  • A: Abdomen: Run your hands along your dog’s belly. It should have a gentle curve, not sagging or bloated.

  • P: Profile: View your dog from above. Their waist should be visible behind the ribs.

  • E: Energy: Consider your dog’s activity level. Are they energetic and playful?
If your furry friend needs to shed a few pounds, consult your veterinarian. Cut back on extra treats and table scraps, and gradually introduce an exercise program. Starting with short walks and gradually increasing outdoor activity can make a significant difference. Additionally, opt for high-quality dog food like the one’s at Petzi’s platform, which provides a complete range of balanced nutrition for your canine companion.

Coat and Skin: A Mirror to Your Dog’s Health

A dog’s coat reflects their overall health. A dull or matted coat may indicate nutritional deficiencies or an underlying disease. Here’s what to check:
  • Texture: Run your hands along your dog’s fur from head to tail. It should feel smooth and glossy.

  • Flakes and Scales: Part the fur near the head and along the spine. Look for any flakes, scales, or cuts.

  • Fleas: Inspect the base of the tail, rump, and stomach for signs of fleas. If you spot them, treat your dog with dips, shampoos, or sprays.

  • Nutrition Matters: Ensure your dog receives a balanced diet. Consider feeding them the wide variety of dog food available at Petzi, which supports healthy skin and coat.

Regular grooming sessions, including brushing and occasional baths, help maintain your dog’s coat and skin health. Remember that a vibrant coat often reflects a happy and thriving pup!

Eyes and Ears: Windows to Your Dog’s Soul

  1. Your dog’s eyes and ears provide valuable insights into their overall health. Regularly checking these areas can help you detect potential issues early. Here’s what to look for:
    • Eyes:

      • Redness, Discharge, and Abnormalities: Inspect your dog’s eyes for any signs of redness, excessive tearing, or discharge. Abnormal lumps or bumps on the eyelids should also be noted.

      • Eyelid Function: Observe how well your dog’s eyelids close. Proper eyelid closure is essential for eye protection.

      • Cloudiness: Cloudy eyes may indicate underlying problems and require veterinary attention.

    • Ears:

      • Debris and Wax: Gently examine the ear canal for any debris or excessive wax buildup. A small amount of earwax is normal, but an accumulation can lead to discomfort.

      • Thickening and Hair Loss: Check for thickening of the ear tissue or hair loss around the ears. These could be signs of inflammation or infection.

      • Discharge: The inside of your dog’s ear should be free from discharge. If you notice any, especially foul-smelling discharge, consult your veterinarian promptly.

  • Common Behaviors Indicating Ear Problems:

    • Excessive scratching or pawing at the ears.

    • Head tilting or frequent head shaking.

    • Circles, imbalance, or signs of vertigo, which may indicate middle or inner ear infections.

    • Other dogs sniffing at your pup’s ears could also signal ear infections.

Regular veterinary visits are crucial to maintaining your furry friend’s eye and ear health. By staying vigilant and addressing any concerns promptly, you can ensure your canine companion remains happy and comfortable

Teeth and Gums: A Smile That Matters

Good dental health is crucial for your dog’s overall well-being:

Dental Hygiene: Just like humans, dogs can develop tartar buildup on their teeth. Regular veterinary dental cleanings, along with specially designed toothbrushes and toothpaste, help reduce tartar accumulation. Consider using oral care treats like Dentastix® to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

  • Inspecting Teeth and Gums:
    • Lift the Lips: Gently lift your dog’s lips away from their gums. Press a finger firmly over an upper tooth. When you remove your finger, the white imprint on the gum should return to pink. Any persistent redness or inflammation warrants a vet visit.

    • Check All Teeth: Open your dog’s mouth to inspect all their teeth. Look out for yellow to dark brown tartar buildup, which can lead to periodontal disease. If you notice significant tartar, consult your veterinarian promptly.

Maintaining your dog’s oral health contributes to their overall vitality and happiness. Regular check-ups and preventive measures go a long way in ensuring your furry companion’s well-being!

Spot Checks: Lumps, Bumps, and Nails

A healthy dog isn’t just physically fit; their mental well-being matters too.  In this section, we’ll explore essential spot checks for your dog’s health. These simple observations can help you monitor any changes and ensure your furry friend’s well-being. 

Let’s dive in:

  • Social Interaction: Dogs thrive on companionship. Regular playtime, walks, and interactions with other dogs and humans are essential. A well-socialized dog is often happier and less prone to anxiety.

  • Enrichment: Stimulate your dog’s mind with puzzles, toys, and activities. Hide treats in puzzle feeders or scatter them around the house for a fun scavenger hunt.

  • Routine: Dogs feel secure with a predictable routine. Consistent feeding times, walks, and bedtime rituals create a sense of stability.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with praise, treats, and affection. Positive reinforcement strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

  • Watch for Signs of Stress: Excessive barking, destructive behavior, or sudden changes in appetite could indicate stress. Address any concerns promptly.

  • Quality Time: Spend quality time with your dog. Whether it’s cuddling on the couch or exploring the outdoors, your presence matters.

Just like our own health check-ups, regular visits to the veterinarian are crucial for your dog’s well-being. These appointments allow professionals to assess your dog’s overall health, catch any potential issues early, and provide tailored advice. Vaccinations, parasite prevention, and dental cleanings are essential components of preventive care. Remember, a proactive approach ensures a long and happy life for your beloved canine companion.


Remember, your dog’s health is a team effort. Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and lots of love go a long way. With Pedigree dog food, you’ll see the signs of good health in just six weeks. As responsible dog owners, we hold our four-legged companions dear and prioritize their well-being. Just as we schedule regular health check-ups for ourselves, our furry friends deserve the same care. The five-point health check provides a simple yet effective way to monitor your dog’s overall health. So, take the challenge and keep your furry friend thriving!