By Petzi FZC

Essential Pet Supplies for Bringing Home a New Pet

Essential Pet Supplies for Bringing Home a New Pet
furry member to your family pet supplies online pet supplies shop

One of the most joyous moments in life is adopting or bringing home a pet. After convincing your family or deciding for yourself, you embark on a delightful journey of adding a furry member to your family. But preparing your home for their arrival involves more than just excitement. It's crucial to be well-informed about the necessary dog or cat supplies for both the present and future stages of your pet's life.

Caring for a pet is akin to caring for a child, laden with immense joy and responsibility. Our furry friends not only bring happiness but also offer companionship and stress relief, seamlessly integrating into our lives. Petzi is here to guide you through this adventure, offering expert advice and top-notch supplies for your new companion.
To make it easy for you, we have curated a list which includes all the possible things you might need to take care of your pet.

First Thing's First: Nourish with Quality Foods

While it becomes extremely generic to point out to buy quality food for your pet, what must be done is that the selection of pet food must be made cautiously. As eager parents, we decide to handle everything in one go and end up buying the first thing that we see on the shelf. Ideally, one should contact the vet first and ask them about the important details regarding nutrients necessary for the pet.
Adding to that, at an early stage a pet requires various supplements. So, asking the vet about essential vitamins and minerals required is necessary. Petzi has various categories of pet foods based on the life stages of your pet in categories like grain-free, with grain, for sensitive digestion, chicken-free, high protein, and many more to be a one stop pet supplies shop.

Taking care of the quantity of food one feeds is important to watch because it can lead to your pet gaining extra weight. Other than that, it becomes necessary to give them water too and make sure to bathe them in regular intervals.

The Magic of Rewards: Trick and Treat

Everyone including your feline or canine loves a little gratification. While your pets are getting trained, to make them feel good you can include a few treats which are given every time after they do a task well. Suppose you’re training them to shake hands with you, and if they listen to doing, they, you can give them a treat. By including treats, your pet will know that they are being rewarded for the hard work they do, and it will make them extremely happy and active as well. A constant form of stimulus is necessary for pets to stay active and learn new things.

Grooming Essentials for Your Companion

Grooming your pet and cleaning their coat for shine and hygiene is very important. Do not use human shampoos for your furry friend’s coat, instead you can get a lot of online grooming supplies to support your pet’s oral health. It is recommended to cut their nails regularly, so they do not accidentally hurt themselves or you.

Entertain and Engage: Toys for Your Furry Friend

Getting your pets toys in the early stages will help them develop a lot. It was noted that the pets who had chewing toys had less digestion issues in later stages of their life, than the ones who didn’t.
Puppies and kittens are ever so curious and as they grow, they’d want to chew on to anything. They’d rip your shoes apart and try to eat them, or chew on the edges of your sofa. So, getting them a chewing toy will constantly keep them active and help you protect your shoes, sofas, or anything that you dearly care about.
For kittens and puppies, constant stimulation is necessary. Scratching posts are a great option for once. To not let them tear your doormats or carpet, head straight to our pet e-shop to purchase pet supplies online.

The Comfort Zone: Spacious and Comfortable Beds

Being a parent, you have to understand the needs of your pets. Usually, cats and dogs have vastly different preferences. It is important to understand what makes them relieved for them to sleep better. While dogs love grandeur, cats are quite the opposite. They like corners. So, a spacious and cushiony bed for your canine and special cat beds which usually have a feeling resonating to a small corner.

On a paws-itive note, pets can sometimes be a bit much but at the same time, they instill patience in us. Being a pet parent is a matter of joy that knows no bounds. You get to see your pet grow up from a small puppy or a kitten to a full-grown cat or dog and there’s no better way to enjoy it than to go through the process. Over time, they become your partners more than pets.